How E-commerce Companies Can Achieve 10x Customer Satisfaction Using RFID — Bar Code India

Bar Code India
2 min readApr 6, 2023


If you are someone who runs or a part of an e-commerce business, imagine this scenario:

One of your customers orders something from your online store.

After the order is placed, you discover that the item purchased is out of stock. How embarrassing would it feel to admit this goof-up? And what impression of your company will that customer have?

Do you think that customer would ever recommend your platform to friends or buy from you again?

You wouldn’t just lose one customer; you would lose several potential customers as well.

You will not only lose people in the customer’s close circle but also countless others if there are many such instances and there are several negative reviews for your platform.

Today, there’s a fierce competition in the e-commerce sector and it’s the need of the hour to have technology such as RFID at the backbone of an e-commerce business. Not only will it enable you to cut through competition but also create new business opportunities.

What is RFID technology?

RFID technology offers automatic identification and tracking of objects or entities by making use of radio-frequency waves. Broadly, RFID technology can be of two types: Active and Passive. Read more….

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